Thursday, February 24, 2011


What's that sound? The sound of me (Dawn) falling off of the tracking wagon. The past week for some reason I just have not been tracking like I should. Okay, I do know why; because I started messing up and going over my calorie goals. I think the break down came from unrealistic goals. I selected the "2 pounds per week" option and it had me at 1,334 calories per day. After about a week of that -in combination with my beloved 16 month old going back to his schedule of waking up every few hours during the night- I think my body went into crisis mode. Lack of sleep, lack of calories, baking all kinds of treats for a potluck and a birthday party and smelling all that awesome stuff I could not eat in combination with the return of winter cold just threw me into a tail-spin and I was adding 200 to 400 calories per day over what my goal was.

Watching the calorie bar go over the red a few days in a row is not pleasant in the least and so I have failed to log on for the past couple of days. I have by no means binged, I know I am staying well under 1,800 calories. My naughtiness being having an extra bowl of corn flakes and milk after I finished my calories for the day. I have re-adjusted the calorie goals to 1,550 and I am about to log in again today.

I am forcing myself out into the open with my mis-step to make myself accountable and to hopefully get back on track (and tracking). So, I'm dusting my tush off and getting it back in gear (hopefully not the granny one.)

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry, Illness and surgery had me off track too. Will try to totally back for March 1st.
